Summer Reading Programs 2017!
Here is a list of Summer reading programs for you and your children to enjoy. Children can lose up to 2 months of reading achievement during the Summer months. Help your children gain reading skills instead of losing them, with these fun Summer reading programs that will engage and reward your children.
- Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge May 8th- September 8th Read & log minutes all summer. Take weekly challenges & earn rewards. Help set a new reading world record! The theme this year is Happy Camper: Take a Reading Adventure! Throughout the summer, students will log their reading minutes, earn digital rewards, and access fun reading activities. Sign up Here
- Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program: This Summer, continue to read books! Children in grades 1 – 6 get ready for a Summer of reading adventures! Read any eight books this summer and record them in your Summer Reading Journal . Bring your completed journal to a Barnes & Noble store between May 16th and September 5th, 2017. Choose your FREE reading adventure from the book list featured on the back of the journal.
- Chuck E Cheese’s Read a book every day for 2 weeks and get 10 FREE Tokens at Chuck E Cheese’s. One free token award per child per day. Food purchase is required. (Valid through 12/31/17)
- Sylvan Book Adventure: Book Adventure is a free, online reading program for children in grades K-8. Kids learn to love reading through interactive tools, games and motivational rewards. At Book Adventure, reading is rewarding! Within the Prize Library, kids can search for a prize they’d like to win or exchange points for a prize they have earned by reading books and answering quiz questions correctly. Register here
- Books A Million (Have yet to update their program for 2017) Choose four books from the Summer Reading Adventure section. Read the books and record in your reading journal. When complete, have your parent/guardian sign your journal, then turn it in to your local store to get a free James Patterson Middle School Lunch bag.
- Lifeway Stores Summer Reading Program Kickoff Party May 26—27. Come in store to grab your FREE Summer Reading Program Journal, Bookmark and Pencil. Program runs June 1 to Aug. 31. This program is geared toward grades 1 through 6, but all are welcome to join in the adventure. Summer R.E.A.D. program. Challenge: Read six books over the course of the summer and memorize six Scripture verses. Reward: Turn in a completed summer reading journal at your local LifeWay store to earn a free book and a new free Bible.
- Half Price Books: Kids 14 and under
This June and July, read 15 minutes a day. (Grown-ups may read aloud to kids who are still learning.) Use the reading log, add up your minutes and have your parent or guardian initial each week. Once you’ve reached 300 or more minutes, bring your log to your local HPB to claim your Bookworm Bucks. Bookworm bucks expire 8/31/2017. Full program details: found here.
Thank you, This Mommy Saves Money, for compiling this awesome list!