• Mission Possible: Healthy Teeth! Installment #2

    Mouthwash is a popular tool that many of us use to combat tooth decay.   I’ve never been a fan of mouthwash, simply because I didn’t like the taste!  As I’ve begun learning about the chemicals contained in alcohol based mouthwashes, I’m thankful I haven’t used them regularly! Did you know: Long-term use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes dries and changes the pH of the mouth and throat and is associated with an increased risk of mouth and throat cancers. If a mouthwash contains a harsh detergent like cocamidopropyl betaine, this compounds the damage. Listerine contains a slightly milder detergent, Poloxamer 407, but its unique qualities – being soluble in liquids at…

  • Mission Possible: Healthy Teeth! Installment #1

    I have a love/hate relationship with my teeth. I love them simply because it would be near impossible to eat without them. My dislike comes in because, apparently, my teeth aren’t very strong. I brush them (and sometimes floss them) and still had lots of bad news at the dentist last month. (I try not to be jealous of my husband – he has NEVER had a cavity!). It was rather disheartening to be told by the dentist that I don’t have good teeth, as he’s filling two cavities and giving me two root canals (one of which got infected – augh!) After that series of expensive trips, I have…

  • Snake Oil or Essential Oil?

    I’ve never been the incense-burning type and I’ve been skeptical of essential oils. I lumped them in the ‘snake oil’ category and thought they were probably a scam more than anything. My mind has been changed in a profound way. We were introduced slowly to the world of essential oils, mainly by including them in my homemade cleaning products and hand sanitizer recipes, and have now jumped in feet first. One naturopath doctor explained that she sees essential oils as a missing link in medicine, and we’ve certainly been impressed as we’ve started to use them. We know that plants and herbs have medicinal properties.  Essential oils, properly distilled, are…

  • How to Avoid Heavy Metals in Deodorant!

    Have you ever read the ingredient label on your deodorant? If not, I highly recommend it.  Most commercial deodorants are full of aluminum, a heavy metal that has been linked to Alzhiemers.   Aluminum is a mainstay in deodorants because, as Dr. Mercola explains, aluminum works in deodorants by clogging our pores, thus trapping toxins and sweat inside our bodies!  These toxins then build up and are trapped in our lymph nodes. This buildup can lead to cell mutations and cancer. That seems like a heavy price to pay just to smell good.  Thankfully, you can say goodbye to aluminum AND still smell good. There are more natural deodorants on…

  • Bye-Bye Mercury – An Easy Way to Detox

    Did you know that there’s a simple way to help detoxify your body from heavy metals like mercury?  It’s so simple that you can do it every day, without hardly thinking about it. Taking a greens supplement that contains chlorella and spirulina will help chelate your body, and remove those heavy metals that can cause/contribute to all sorts of issues including Alzheimers, MS, and autism. Chlorella is a single-celled, fresh water algae that has been shown to bind to mercury, lead, and cadmium to help remove it from our bodies!  Studies indicate that “chlorella demonstrate a superior ability to safely draw these toxic metals from the gut and intestinal tract where…

  • Sweet Solution for Burns

    I wasn’t prepared to treat a burn. I stood in front of the computer, my hand wrapped in a towel after I’d burned it on the dishwasher, googling how to relieve a burn. And I wanted to know NOW. (Did you know the metal coils in a dishwasher get hot pretty much immediately after you start it? Trust me, they do.)  I didn’t find a satisfactory answer though Google and didn’t want to spend a lot of time searching. Simply out of experimentation (and desperation!), I pulled out my jar of raw honey, spread it on my hand, and covered it with a piece of plastic wrap to help contain…

  • Sugar Shrinks Your Brain

    I’m not as smart as I used to be.  But, I just thought it was something that happened to everybody as we aged… part of life.  Now I wonder – because I’ve learned: sugar shrinks your brain.  And I have a  CRAZY sweet tooth.  Plus the blood sugar roller coaster ride that goes hand in hand.  Can you stop the train?  I’d like to get off. Blood sugar surges are old news.  Brain shrinkage is new, at least to me.  Sarah, the Healthy Home Economist, explains that when we eat sugar, glycation takes place in our bodies. Glycation is the chemical process in the body whereby glucose, proteins, and certain fats become…

  • Common Toiletry Ingredient Found in 99% of Breast Cancer

    Once you finish reading this post, I want you to get up from the computer and go to your bathroom. Pull out your personal care products and read the labels. Throw in the trash EVERYTHING that has an ingredient with a paraben on the label. Don’t think twice about it, or dwell too much on how that’s your favorite shampoo or deodorant, or whatever. Just throw it out. Your body will thank you. Our personal care products are full of chemical preservatives called parabens. According to a study from California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, these parabens trick healthy cells into acting like cancer cells. Furthermore, a study published…

  • Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe

    Alternatives for commercial cleaners are growing in popularity, as more people realize how easy they are to make, and how much safer they are to use around the house!  I still use vinegar and baking soda a lot as a basic cleaner, but I also really like this simple, all-purpose cleaner recipe. It includes a number of bacteria-killers, including castile soap, tea tree oil, and vinegar.  Tea tree oil demonstrates antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal qualities, including against staph and ecoli, among other things.   I did find a medical report that said bacteria can develop resistance to tea tree oil if it’s used in concentrations below 4%.  My bottle is a 25%…

  • The Fluoride Question

    Fluoride can be a controversial topic.  As with so many things with life, many of us will have varying opinions.  I’m great with that.  My goal is to challenge us to ask questions and not simply accept the status quo, so we make informed decisions for our families. After that digression, back to fluoride.  🙂 In our society, we’re told by a number of dentists and water authorities that fluoride is a helpful and necessary part of our diet.   While it *might* prevent a couple of cavities when used topically, the negative effects of fluoride are so overwhelming that it’s far better to utilize other methods for cavity prevention…