Review: Phonics Museum
Veritas Press has been a source of great homeschooling materials for us over the last couple of years, including their online Bible course, self-paced history, and their grade level reading lists, so I was intrigued by their new Phonics Museum app. With one little man left to introduce to the world of reading, the timing was perfect for us. We were given a year’s access, and I encouraged my Mighty M to work on it a little every day. My little guy has been eager to work on it and proud to have his own “school” to do every day. (Even while I’m writing this review, he just ran in…
Review: Greek ‘n’ Stuff
It seems to be the year of ancient languages at the HomeSchool Review Crew! I was excited to have the opportunity to review another Greek curriculum! Greek ‘n’ Stuff sent us their full set of Hey Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek – Level 3 Set to review. Greek ‘n’ Stuff sent us the Student workbook, teacher’s manual, and the pronunciation cd for Levels 3 & 4. This is level 3, and it’s recommended for students who have completed Levels 1 and 2, OR who are in upper elementary school. My Super D is an incoming 5th grader (HOW??), so we fit into the latter category! The student workbook…
Review: The Reign of Terror by Heirloom Audio
I love the way audiobooks can bring stories to life and captivate kids! For the most part, I don’t enjoy reading out loud, so audiobooks are a perfect solution for us! Heirloom Audio Productions offered us the opportunity to review In the Reign of Terror this summer. I’ve been intrigued by their previous productions including In Freedom’s Cause and The Cat of Bubastes, and so was eager to give this audio adventure a listen. They sent us a beautiful 2 cd set, containing over 2 hours of audio. We also received access to an online version in a playlist, the mp3 version of the soundtrack, a colorful illustrated ebook of the original…
Review: Trust Fund Movie
I’m always on the lookout for movies that my husband calls “Sarah-friendly”. These movies contain little to no violence and have a good message. Trust Fund, a new movie by Mapelle Films, fits that bill! We were sent a DVD copy to review. My first impression from this movie was that I really like the cinematography! The creators of this film have an artistic eye and I feel that it’s very well done! The cinematographer is an early homeschooler who began producing films in his backyard at the age of 11. You can read his story here –> Isacc Alongi. I love hearing stories of now…
It’s THSC Convention Time!
Two more days till convention time!!! The Texas Homeschool Coalition, leading advocates for homeschoolers in Texas, host two yearly conventions in Texas. It kicks off this Thursday in the Woodlands. I’m super excited for the exhibit hall, with booth after booth of some of my favorite vendors including Apologia, Veritas Press, Rainbow Resources, the Institute for Excellence in Writing, and LOTS more! I’ve been working on my list so I know what I’m looking for when I get there, and I’m less likely to get side tracked by all the bright, shiny curriculum options. THSC has a full list of workshop options, including lots of topics for…
Review: Adventures of Rush Revere Book Series
Rush Limbaugh is a household name in the United States. Whether you agree with his political leanings or not, his expanding series based on a fictional character named Rush Revere is worth checking out! We were already familiar with his first book, so when we were offered the opportunity to review the rest of the series, we jumped at it! We were sent the complete set Adventures of Rush Revere Book Series from the Adventures of Rush Revere #1 New York Times Bestselling Book Series by Rush and Kathryn Adams Limbaugh. This book series includes five different titles. Rush Revere and The Brave Pilgrims Rush Revere and…
Review: Whistlefritz Spanish
Knowing a decent amount of Spanish has fared well for me in life. I wasn’t anywhere near fluent, but I knew enough to translate in certain arenas. I could translate well enough to get paid for it, and I loved that I could preach the gospel in Spanish! It was always helpful around the barn too, where many of the employees spoke very little English. I was therefore excited for the opportunity to review Whistlefritz‘s Educator’s Spanish Collection with my kids and as part of the Homeschool Review Crew. Our world is quickly becoming a smaller place. We are connected through the Internet and airplane travel like never more.…
Review: K5 Learning Online Program
Sweetheart is always excited for new computer programs, and I’m always on the hunt for ways to engage her more in reading and math. We were offered the opportunity to review K5 Learning via the Homeschool Review Crew and given six months worth of access to this online program. K5 Learning is designed for students in kindergarten through 5th grade. It is designed as a supplement and is not a full curriculum. The three different subjects include Reading, Spelling, and Math. You can have up to four students per account, so we used this one both with Sweetheart and Super D. The program begins with assessments. Don’t…
Review: Memoria Press & First Form Latin!
Memoria Press has released their program First Form Latin Complete Set and offered the Homeschool Review Crew an opportunity to review it along with several other of their products including Prima Latina, Latina Christiana, Second, Third, and Fourth Form Latin, The Book of Trees, and Nature’s Complete Order. Memoria Press is good to us!! Their materials are such high quality that I’m always excited to review them! Latin is an essential part of a classical student’s education, and Memoria Press has designed this First Form Latin set for students in grades 4-9. Super D is on the younger end of the spectrum, having just completed 4th grade. Younger students…
Report Card Freebies!
Chuck E. Cheese – Chuck E. Cheese believes in the value of a good education. Choose from the Super Student Award or Graduation Certificate and receive FREE tokens for being a good student. Krispy Kreme – Get a free original glazed donut for each A (up to 6 A’s). Chick-fil-A – Bring in your all A’s and B’s report card and receive a FREE 8 pack nuggets! Call ahead to your location to see if they are participating Pizza Hut – Each marking period, any child who has 3 A’s or the equivalent thereof, will receive one Personal Pan Pizza and a small soft drink or carton of milk by…