Check out my guest post at Frugally Sustainable!
I’m excited to be a guest poster today over at one of my favorite blogs, Frugally Sustainable!
Today, I’d like to share my story with you in hopes that it will inspire and encourage you!
As we’ve been on our journey towards living a healthier, more natural lifestyle, I’ve been excited that our need for the grocery store (and other stores) has drastically reduced!You see, I used to be a super coupon clipper. Every Sunday, I would eagerly dash down the stairs of my apartment to get the latest paper, and comb through the inserts. Then I’d pull up my grocery store match ups and make my list of all the items I was going to get a great deal on. A trip to the store soon followed, and I had a blast sharing all my great deals with my husband! It was such a rush saving over 76% on food items!
The problem came when I began to learn about the lack of nutrition in the vast majority of what I was buying. Boxes of breakfast cereal and pre-made meals didn’t translate to a healthy diet. My husband struggled with allergies and I became seriously overwhelmed after he came home from an allergist visit with a LONG list of foods he was allergic to.
Check out the rest of my post HERE.