My sweet husband always told me that I didn’t need to wear makeup. That he liked me just fine without it. Then, I’d dress up to go on a date and he’d love how I looked, with makeup. LOL. One day, I discovered an app called Think Dirty Shop Clean and scanned the makeup I was using. I was SHOCKED and thanked him for encouraging me not to wear it!
Since repeated low doses of chemical exposure over time is a primary cause of disease, the more we can reduce the amount of chemicals we put IN and ON our bodies, the better! A high percentage of cancers are actually caused from exposure to chemicals that many of us have in our homes!
The average woman is exposed to 300 chemicals BEFORE breakfast, and that’s before she cleans anything! Thankfully, we can reduce our exposure a lot by replacing some key items.
What sort of chemicals should you be on the lookout for, and how do you find good alternatives?
Big No-No’s
1. Parabens – found in Makeup (foundation, powder etc.), deodorants, facial cleaners, and shampoo
Effects on body – they possess estrogen-mimicking properties that are associated with increased risk of breast cancer.
2. Triclosan – found in toothpaste, face wash, antibacterial soaps, hand sanitizers, and deodorants.
Effects on body – known as endocrine disruptor, especially effects thyroid and reprductive hormones. Now banned by the FDA but it will take years to completely phase it out.
3. Sodium lauryl sulfate – found in mascara, shampoo and body wash.
Effects on body – lungs, skin and eye irritant. If combined with other chemicals it can lead to kidney and respiratory damage.
4. Formaldehyde – eye shadow, nail polish, conditioners, shampoo and body wash
Effects on body – linked to cancer, allergic reactions and harms immune system.
5. Propylene gycol – found in makeup (foundation), hairspray, deodorants, conditioners and shampoo.
Effects on body – causes dematitis, hives and skin irritation.
Check out these photos, from the makeup I USED to use! Look at that! It’s an 8 (on a scale of 0 – 10) for being carcinogenic!! I could post pics all day of toxic ratings from different common products. 🙁 Bleh!!
Yuck to the yuck! So how do you find a good alternative?
Know your company and use the Think Dirty Shop Clean app. I get tons of my products from Young Living now because they’re clean!
Mineral makeup is a much safer and cleaner way to go, but you still have to know your company. Young Living released their line of Savvy Minerals Mineral Makeup this summer and I LOVE it! They offer 4 different starter kits to help you get started quickly!
Each kit includes
* Foundation
* Blush
* 3 eyeshadows
* Lip gloss
* Misting spray
* an amazingly soft Foundation brush and
* a 5ml Lavender essential oil
Click play to see the 4 choices for Starter Kits!