Our Must Read Books for 2016!
We are big readers in our family. I have always loved to read, and when I have a minute or two to unwind, I usually want to do it with a book (if a horse isn’t available. 🙂 ). Here’s a quick round-up of books on our list to read for 2016! I’ll divide up my list into books for me, and books for my kids.
Books for Me
1. Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey
2. Trim Healthy Mama – I’m interested in her theories about which types of food to eat together, for our bodies to be able to process them effectively
3. The Healing Code
4. The Emotion Code
5. Above All Else
6. How to Travel the World on $50 a Day
Books for the Kids
1. Selah’s Sweet Dream – I love this horse story!
2. Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer. We listen to the audio all the time in the car, and Super D is about ready to start reading the book versions.
3. Magic Tree House series
4. Imagination Station series
5. Magic School Bus series
6. Heroes for Young Readers series
What are your top reads? I’m always on the lookout for new books!
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