You Need This Free App!

Clean up your life (2)

Update 4/22/18:  I no longer recommend this app.  See followup:  Betrayal by Think Dirty App

Toxins, toxins, everywhere!   I took a trip to Target this week  (without kids!!), and went to town scanning things with my new Think Dirty app.   I knew most of the cleaners and personal care products weren’t good, BUT I didn’t know they were THIS BAD!   I was HORRIFIED.   I wanted to show everyone my app, and scan what they were buying for them.  I also didn’t want to creep people out or get kicked out of the store <sic> so I refrained.   Ugh.

NO WONDER America is in a health crisis!   If you look at the food we eat, combined with the toxins in our homes, we are in bad shape!

Thanks to this handy-dandy FREE app called Think Dirty, you too can scan your products and see how they rate!   The lower the score, the better the product!

It’s important to know that this app doesn’t take into account things like the company’s environmental responsibility.  I don’t want that in an app, actually, because it will skew the results and rate toxic things better, just because the company does something environmentally responsible.

When you open the app, it will give you the option to type in the name, or scan the barcode.  I start by scanning, and if the particular item doesn’t come up,  then I type in the name.  I can usually get close to the actual item if not exact.

Think Dirty app

Now things really get interesting.   The app shows a list of products and you can tap them to get more details.

I always thought of Aveeno as a slightly “cleaner” brand.  I stand corrected.  Once again demonstrating that putting the word “natural” on a product means nothing, here are the app results for the Aveeno Active NATURALS Skin Relief Body Wash.  It’s a 10!!!  Look at the rating for carcinogenicity and developmental/reproductive toxicities!!

The Think Dirty app will show you the particular ratings as far as carcinogenicity (cancer causing!), developmental and reproductive toxicity, and allergies and immunotoxicities.  Bad news bears!!

Here are a few other examples:


It’s important to look at our makeup too!


Don’t wait, download this free app today and get started cleaning up your home!   Think Dirty is available for Apple and coming soon for Android devices.  (Get on the invite list for Android!)

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